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Sunday 19 February 2017

Art of writing

12:28:00 Posted by Maddy , No comments

"Pen is more powerful than Sword"
Great writing is passion. Plain and simple. Passion is what makes your words nice and engage the reader. Write with your Heart Because "Dil se nikli Baat Dil pe Lagti Hy."
 The technical skills are there as well, never think you are writing like a dumb and be great, but technicality is second to passion and fire.
Make your words art. Make your words flow like poetry. You can quote great writers and their quotes stand alone as beautiful pieces of art. Put as much detail into the little pieces as you put into the whole.
Sometimes a piece of art will have a beautiful title but the body of words will fail. Sometimes a work of art will have a dreadful title but the body of words will be great. Sometimes the two will be put together and a work of art will emerge.
When you have a great title, a great body of words, and quotable works of art then you have a masterpiece.
To become a writer you must first read. You must know how words are put together on a page to make a story. You must know how words can create emotion in your reader. You must understand that art is about more than words on a paper, it is about style and arrangement and beauty.
If you are not a reader but you call yourself a writer you are a faker. A writer appreciates the beauty of the written and spoken word and aims to create some of that magic in his own voice.
Artists who say they do not follow their particular art are fakers. They spent years and years obsessively following their art and finally got to a point where they had a voice, at which point they could stop obsessing over other people’s art and start obsessing over their own art.
If you are to be a writer it is already in you, lurking somewhere. It has been on your thoughts. You can see a string of few words and appreciate the subtle beauty of the arrangement. You are not a defiler of your language. You are an appreciator. You are a sponge.
You keep these words buried in your mind and you let them out at the right time. Each word you put to paper is analyzed and analyzed until you have the best arrangement of words those sentences could possibly ever have.
If you must be told of the rules of grammar, diction and punctuation then you are not a writer and you will never be a writer. If you must be told to not write long-winded run-on paragraphs you are not a writer. If you must be told to use capitalization and punctuation you are not a writer.
“I want to be a writer”. "Qalam uthao ge to baat bane gi"
If you say these words you are probably a liar. Writing is free. A man who wants to be a writer sits down and writes. A liar pretends that they “want to write, when I have the time”. The time is always there for the true.
If you are a writer you have a voice. Your voice is your particular style and diction. Your voice is pulled from here, there and everywhere until you have a style you can call your own. When you have this style, when you put words to paper, when people read your words and cry or laugh or scream or excite then you are a writer. You are an artist. You are a creator of beauty.


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