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Sunday 19 February 2017

Be a Killer

11:07:00 Posted by Maddy , No comments
Idle hands are the devil’s tools.
Nobody wants to work.”
Bullshit. Everyone wants to work. Nobody wants to do unfulfilling, boring, shitty work.
It’s all about making a choice. 
Are you going to do unfulfilling, boring, shitty work or are you going to do work that fires you up? Work that gets you out of bed in the morning because you can’t fucking wait to do it.
You must work, and you must do fulfilling work to be a happy, fulfilled man. There isn’t a soul on this planet who is completely happy and fulfilled by not working. The Office Space dream of   “I’d do nothing”    is just a pipe dream. 
That would be a horrible life.
Everybody needs to work to feel useful, to feel accomplished, and to be able to sleep at night.
Even if you’re stuck in a shit job in a shit cubicle you can still do meaningful work. 
Find the time, make the time, visualize and then take action. Do a little building everyday and one day you have built a skyscraper. You will find success after you have been tested. Success will not come without temptation to quit. Give in to temptation and you deserve what you get.
Fuck your quitting.
-your winning.
-your complaining.
-your lack of achievement.
-your naysaying friendly friends and family.
-your self-doubt.
-your “lack of energy”.
-your lack of money and resources.
And if you aren’t ready to overcome it then Go to HELL. Go complain to your Ammi Jaan. Go complain to your friends. Go complain to your office co-workers. They’re used to it.
Hope you have a beautiful Life.


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