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Thursday 16 March 2017

Pepper, salt and Lemon combination of 3 better than medicine.

19:26:00 Posted by Unknown , No comments

Pepper, salt and lemon cannot serve only as things you put on a salad. They can also be used as medicine.
Actually, many people around the world use these ingredients to treat everyday ailments. Another reason may be the expensive medical care, so that is why many people are trying natural homemade remedies.
Here is what you can treat with black pepper(کالی مرچ), lemon and sea salt:


Get rid of your sore throat by combining 1 tablespoon of fresh lemon(لیموں) juice, half a teaspoon of black pepper(کالی مرچ) and a teaspoon of sea salt(نمک) in a glass of warm water(پانی). Gargle a few times daily to relieve your sore throat and prevent coughing.


Relieve the stuffiness of your clogged nose by sneezing. Mix equal amounts of black pepper(کالی مرچ), cinnamon(دار چینی)cumin(جیرا), and cardamom seeds(الائچی کے بیج کے) into a mortar and pestle and grind until you make a powder. Smell the mixture slowly and embrace the sneeze.


The hardened deposits of digestive fluids that form in your gallbladder are called gallstones. They can block you digestive system and can be quite painful. Usually, they are surgically removed.
Also, there are people who treat this problem with natural remedies. Take 3 parts of olive oil(زیتون کا تیل) and 1 part each of lemon and black pepper(کالی مرچ) to dissolve the stones.


To heal the mucous(چپچپا) membranes in your mouth, add a tablespoon of Himalayan salt in a cup of warm water and swish it in your mouth after every meal. This method will eliminate bad bacteria and support healing.


Drink ¼ teaspoon of ground black pepper 2 tablespoons of lemon juice and one tablespoon of honey in a glass of warm water if you want to speed your metabolism. Lemon’s polyphenols prevent weight gain and boost insulin sensitivity which aid in burning fat.

6. NAUSEA(متلی)

Your upset stomach can be soothed with black pepper, while lemon’s scent stops nausea. Mix a tablespoon of fresh lemon juice and a teaspoon of black pepper in a tall glass of warm water. Drink slowly until you feel better.


This mixture should always be kept on hand if you or some of your family is asthmatic. To prepare it, add 10 grains of pepper, 2 clove(لونگ) buds and 15 basil(تلسی) leaves in a cup of boiling water. Leave it simmer for 15 minutes and strain the mixture in a glass jar with a lid. Add 2 tablespoons of raw honey and let it cool. You can keep it in the fridge for up to 2 weeks and take it with milk to make it taste better.


Mix half a teaspoon each of ground pepper and clove oil to heal an aching tooth. Apply the mixture on your sore tooth. In order to prevent toothache, floss and brush your teeth two times a day. Also, it is important to avoid sugary or acidic foods.


Squeeze half a lemon in a large cup of boiled water if you want to get rid of a common cold. Let the pulp and peel(گودا اور چھیل) steep in the water for 10 minutes. Remove the lemon and add a spoonful of organic raw honey. Drink the remedy as needed until you feel relieved.


Apply a little lemon juice on a cotton ball and place it in the nostril. Till your head slightly forward to stop the blood dripping into the throat and prevent nausea. Your nosebleed will stop immediately.


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