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Wednesday 12 April 2017

8 hacks that will help you wake up early and reach on time !

Easy Hacks To Wake Up Early And Reach Office Early
© Shutterstock
This post is not for those clock lovers who just can't get off their punctuality hook. For the rest of you guys, we know the struggle is real to wake up early in the morning. In fact, if waking up early wasn't enough, we also have a pressure of reaching office or on work on time. Honestly, when anyone asked me about my favourite feature in my smartphone, I shamelessly said ‘snooze'. I am sure you too would have thought of it. But really, waking up early is a problem and these hacks might offer some kind of solution to it.

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1. It's Time To Change Your Alarm Clock

If you trust your smartphone to wake you up, nothing's wrong with that if you really wake up on time. But if not, then try investing in some quirky alarm clocks that are sure to make your mornings early. We have even heard of some clocks that have wheels so that you run around it in the morning to press the snooze button. Huh, technology...we tell you!

2. Keep Your Alarm Clock Away From You

People say your clock should ideally be kept on the bedside or somewhere closer to your reach. We think otherwise. In fact, think of a song you hate the most and make it your alarm tone. Keep it at a distance where your hands can't reach easily and you will have to wake up to stop the alarm. Also for a greater impact, place your phone in a glass for higher volume.

3. Drink Water The Moment You Get Up

No, we are not discussing the health benefits of water here. Instead, try this. Set the alarm an hour prior to when you want to wake up, as soon as you hit the snooze button, drink a whole glass of water or as much as you can. Then go back to sleep and you are sure to wake up at your desired time. The logic is simple guys, when your bladder is full, you will have to go to the bathroom and that's the trick.

4. Sleep Early

While you are habituated to be a night owl, try to sleep early so that you wake up in the morning feeling fresh. Nobody is interested in greeting their colleagues who seem to have just come out of a battlefield.

5. Place your Things In Order

During a workday when you are already late, the last thing you would ever want is running around the entire house searching for your car keys, room keys, your socks, or that pen drive containing the important office presentation. Our moms were right when they said “organize your things before hand.” At least you won't have to struggle finding things, even if you wake up late.  

6. Sleep With Curtains Open

If you prefer to sleep in a cozy and dark environment, we guess you need to get rid of that habit. Do not sleep in complete darkness. In fact, keep the curtains open, so that even if your alarm clock fails, you will still have sunlight to wake you up. This is the easiest thing to do. 
Easy Hacks To Wake Up Early And Reach Office Early© Shutterstock

7. Do Not Use Any Device Before Sleep

This is something we all need to start doing. Be it updating yourself with news, reading your favourite e-book or simply watching movies on laptop, stop using any electronic device at least an hour or half an hour before going to bed. This way it will not strain your eyes, neither will it hinder your sleep cycle.

8. Prepare Your Breakfast Beforehand

One thing that most of us do when we get late for office is skip breakfast. Then spend the rest of the day in office struggling to cope with our tiredness and laziness. Here's the deal, cook breakfast the night before.


Unknown said...

Just as I needed advice on how to get up early. I was lost with #2. I always have my alarm clock near my head so I will not miss it an inch. I did not know Im doing it all wrong. I am a tardy person, honestly. I am insomniac and a late sleeper. I always wake up late for work and lately was reprimanded. Oh man.. thanks for the tips. I will also do the #6. Thanks for shraong this.

Unknown said...

Yeah! Thanks

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