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Monday 19 December 2016


16:36:00 Posted by Maddy , No comments

I think Everyone loves a humble guy.

That’s because no one has to compete with a humble guy. Everyone hates a big ego guy, because a big ego guy points out your own shortcomings, lack of skill, desire, heart, dedication and discipline.
All winners have big egos. Without a big ego they would have never become a winner.
Ego isn’t a bad thing. Ego is a must. A big ego is just high self-esteem. All champions have egos. It’s the ankle-biters at the bottom who cry about “humility being a virtue”.
You cannot be a competitor, and a winner, without ego. The desire to be a winner at all costs is what drives champions. To a champion, losing is worse than anything else. Losing is too damaging to the ego.
When champions lose their ego and become humble is when they start their decline. You know what’s humbling? Losing. Losing is humiliating. Winners don’t lose. Only losers lose.
Here is the real deal about humility: You show it to your superiors. You do not show it to your inferiors. Champions have no superiors.
Humility is for the humble. They can have it.
Show me a guy who has no ego and I’ll show you a guy who’s comfortable taking 7th place out of 7 contestants. I’ll show you a guy who’s comfortable with the taste of shit in his mouth. You cannot be competitive and not have any ego. You can be non-competitive and have no ego, but so what. That means you are a spectator. That means you’re a critic.
When you want to learn something that’s when you can be humble. When you’re already King Shit you can act like it.
If humility were truly a virtue we would turn on our TV’s and worship humble and dirty street beggars, on their knees begging and crying for pennies, instead of worshiping big ego sports stars, actors and TV personalities.
Don’t confuse braggadocio with ego. Ego is the all-consuming desire to win, to not lose, and pushing yourself past the limit to do it. Bragging is arrogance and empty boasting. Ego is pride.
You’ve got to have ultra-confidence in yourself in your specific field. You can be humble all day about the shit you don’t know anything about, but when it comes to your area of expertise you should be Top Dog, King Shit, Cock of the Walk, A-#1, Big Man on Campus. 
Be proud of your accomplishments. Whatever they may be.
If someone complains about your ego just ignore them. Don’t let them drag you on down to loser-town.
They say: You’re so full of yourself!
You say: Thank you for the compliment.

------------------------Otherwise in some situations I would say -------------------
"Crush your Ego,
 then you will find,
 who you are."


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