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Saturday 18 February 2017

How to grow self-discipline

22:18:00 Posted by Maddy , No comments
This piece of writing is for you…
Why?…    Because learning the latest science + methods to improve your willpower is one of the best ways to create immense success.
At the base of all legendary performance in business, sports, music, relationships and life lies a strong character—born from well practiced self-control.
Everything you do takes self-discipline:
–make the sacrifices needed to be made to get epic results. You can play video games for hours each day or become the undisputed master of your craft. But you can’t do both.
–to be relentless and display the grit needed to stay in the game and remain loyal to your vision long after the initial inspiration has vanished.
–keep learning each day, iterating your moves and optimizing your performance.
 So here are some of the keys (many confirmed by recent research and good science) to help you to install world-class willpower:
#1. Please keep it in mind that self-control (scientists refer to it as “self-regulation”) is more like a muscle: the more you exercise it the stronger it grows.
It is a pure myth that elite achievers are born with gifts you don’t have.
And buying into that idea is a great way to avoid the discomfort of doing the work you need to do to enjoy the success you deserve to have.
#2. Research is also revealing that, every day, we draw willpower from the same source. This means that checking your
-social notifications,
-watching the news,
-surfing the web and
-shopping online steals the self-discipline that could be used for developing a core skill, getting fit, nourishing a gorgeous family life or strengthening your internal world.
#3. As you exercise the muscle of your will by making decisions, taking actions and pursuing activities, your self-control “muscle” depletes.
One of the world’s foremost researchers in this field, Roy Baumeister (definitely read his superb book Willpower) calls this phenomenon “ego depletion”.
This explains the behavior of celebrities that have destroyed their careers by one foolish move: they used up so much of their self-discipline energy on their crafts/practicing/performing that they had none left to wisely handle a temptation.
#4. By installing a daily routine to ensure “willpower renewal”, you’ll avoid ego depletion–and perform at your highest level. I suggest you schedule practices like visualization, conversation, smart entertainment and even napping into your day to make that happen.
#5. By pushing yourself to do what’s important but not easy, your self-control reservoir will expand.
"The places where your discomfort lives are the places where your power lies."
#6. Science also confirms that when we are tired, under stress and depleted, we have low glucose in our systems. And low levels of glucose diminish our self-discipline. By eating low glycemic index foods like meat, vegetables and nuts, you’ll avoid that crash. And getting enough sleep also keeps your glucose levels where they should be. Sleep-deprived people don’t do beautiful work.
And if you want to learn a lot more of this kind of cutting-edge information so you become the highest performing person you know, completely lead your field at work and experience the success you’ve always wanted.
Hope all this helps. I know you have the capacity for your own form of greatness.
I hope you’ll do whatever it takes to realize it.
Wishing you all great things. 


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