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Thursday 2 March 2017

19 ways to improve your Mood.

08:10:00 Posted by Unknown , No comments

1) Be around people

Humans are social creatures. Isolation is punishment. We all NEED to be around other people, if only for a little while. Even if you like to be alone you should not be alone all the time.

2) Groom regularly

Daily showers, shave daily, keep your hair trim and neat. The way you look affects the way you feel. If you look great you feel great. 100% of the time.

3) Stop lying to yourself

Western women are massively more likely to “suffer depression” than men are. Western women are all living the life of a feminist. Not only are they pretending that it's ok to be a woman yet act like a man, they actively hate womanly qualities such as care giving, nurturing and submissiveness. They act the opposite of the way they are designed to act and now they are all mentally ill, miserable and depressed.
The opposite is true for a lot of men. They act like dainty little fairies instead of adult men.  

4) Get into shape

It makes more of a difference than you could ever imagine unless you saw it with your own eyes. Keep your body clean, lean and mean. You will be rewarded.

5) Don't watch movies with a social “message”

Gave up television. Television is for brain-dead and if you're watching it you are watching shit that is making you “suffer depression”. TV is not designed to better you or make you happy or fulfill you. It's designed to subvert you, make you feel sad and to CONSUME MORE to fill that empty void in you.

6) Don't listen to whiny, sad music

Every person who suffers depression has one thing in common: they all listen to whiny, sad, crybaby music. Listen to something positive that fires you up. Music has a HUGE effect on your mood, the more sad you listen to the more sad you will feel. Turn that frown upside down and put on some happy tunes.

7) Read inspiring books

Reading an inspiring book while taking your morning shit is the best way to start the day. Or read inspiring blogs or other works.

I have two basic rules about what I read: It must be inspiring or it must enable me to learn something.

Don't read things that make you depressed, or make you feel bad, or that do nothing to increase your mood. The most pathetic people I have ever met in my life are the people who work in an office but spend all day reading celebrity gossip.

8) Rethink your morals

You live in an insane society. All the morals that you think are yours and your decision alone are not. They are the morals that have been decided for you and taught to you by your school teachers and your television.
You must decide for yourself what is moral and what is not. You must do the research yourself and you must be the sole decider about what is right and wrong. Relying on what everyone else is doing is for the foolish the weak and the stupid.

9) Don't be PC / Liberal / Social Justice Warrior (SJW)

Political correctness is subtle castration. Political correctness makes you take the side of the degenerate and morally weak and side against the strong who hold real values of family, self preservation and self reliance.
PC is for the weak. When you give in to it you were weak to begin with or you become weak. Of course, there is another side to this: If you hold a respectable job you MUST be PC for your own preservation. This is why you should…

10) Start your own business

There are a billion reasons to start your own business and make your own money. When you start your own business and make your own money you also make your own rules. Why any man would follow the rules set by someone else. Try to say "NO" at your job and see what happens. At my business I can say anything I want and that's because I don't take my orders from the boss.

11) Go your own way and make your own rules

Again, when you live in this insane world the only sane thing to do is go your own way. Say goodbye to the corporate world, say goodbye to Bollywood Lollywood and say goodbye TV shows (Jeeto Pakistan, Mera Sultan). Shopping won't make you happy. TV won't make you happy. Jobs won't make you happy. A new car will make you happy for about a week, until it becomes an old car. Then you're stuck with an old car and a monthly payment.

12) Don't get married

Ever had a relationship so good you felt the need to say “You know honey, our relationship is great but one thing is missing: Complete and total government control of our love life. Will you marry me?‘ Until the anti-male laws change you should never, ever get married. The law will rape you if you get a divorce. All the power is in her hands when you say “I do”.
She has no reason to stay with you, she has no need to stay with you, all her friends and family will encourage her to divorce over any bit of “unhappiness” and you can and will be left HELPLESS, especially if you have kids. If you DO get married you MUST follow the rules and pick the most suitable candidate.

13) Leave social media websites

Have you ever once, in your entire life, felt great after perusing social media websites? No. Each and every person addicted to those sites is hopelessly deluded and out of touch with reality and, consequently, bitterly unhappy.

14) Stay out of debt

Debt is a mood killer, to put it mildly. It used to be called indentured servitude, now it's called a “loan”. Complete ownership or bust. If you can't afford it, don't buy it. You will pay FAR more than it's worth in the long run.

15) Live for a purpose

Easier said than done, but a meaningless life does not lead to happiness. Everything I do is for a purpose. If something doesn't serve a purpose I don't do it, or I don't buy it. I don't like to hang out and bullshit around, I don't go shopping at the local shopping mall, I don't go out to see movies.
My only real goal is betterment. My only concern is to better myself physically, mentally and financially. If something doesn't hep me in those areas then I don't waste my time with it.

16) Eat right

Eat right man " Jo ammi jaan de vo hi Khalo Zid mat kro"
At morning take tea or coffee, whatever you like the most to refresh you mind and start your day productively. Take exercise and have juice or something like that. Invest in yourself. Give time to yourself and it must be rewarding. I am telling you that. Yeah!

17) Sleep right

Deep REM sleep is possibly the most important thing you can ever do to keep yourself in a good mood (and good health). If you aren't sleeping well you will be grumpy, impatient, irritable, fatigued, forgetful and depressed. If those symptoms sound familiar you may not be sleeping properly.
8 hours of sleep necessary.

18) Choose the right city to live in

If you rent two movies to watch and the first one is terrible you will take it out and watch the other one instead. If your city is terrible you should do the same thing. Pick another one. Rather than just living with something you hate you should do something about it.

19) Drink a Fruit Milk Shake

I have one everyday after my workout because they're delicious and they never fail to brighten up my day. Some times you just gotta drink.


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