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Wednesday 1 March 2017

How to actually Work Harder

06:37:00 Posted by Unknown , No comments

There's a real problem with the following piece of advice: Work Hard.
What's the problem with working hard?
Working hard is subjective. What's hard to you may be easy to me.
Time is tangible, hard is subjective.
Time is real and “hard work” is only in the mind.
So if you want more accomplished in a day, you put in more time in a day.
When you want to get more accomplished, you work more.
You don't “Work Harder” because that's not real, you work more.
You don't put in some “extra hard” in a day, you put in extra time.
Time is what is required of you if you ever want to create something of value.

A lot of people make money just by being themselves.
The way that they make money is very simple:
  1. They create content and upload it online.
  2. Their audience consumes that content.
  3. The content producers make money from advertisements, selling their books or products.
It's as easy as that and the startup costs are lower than any other businesses startup costs in the entire world.
Why doesn't everyone do that, now that the technology is freely available?Most people think they cannot do it. They think you have to be someone special or do something special.Which is incorrect, you do not have to be special. You simply have to be someone people like or hate or you have to be informative.
The world is making money online and if you aren't, you're way behind. Because the world is online, so is the money. Where people go, money follows. 
That's the get rich open secret that no one knows – you are the content producer, you are the new media, there are no barriers to entry now.
By making the online content that people consumes, you can get wealthy.
All you needs to do is flip a switch in your brain and say “from now on I will be a content producer, not just a content consumer”.

The 7 Steps to Making Money by Being Yourself

1) Know who you are, know what you want to say, have a message or have a personality.
It should go without saying, but it won't – you need something to say. I cannot tell you what your message is, that's up to you. 
2) Know that jobs are not for making money
You must know that jobs are a waste of time to make big money LONG TERM. We have all been programmed to believe that jobs are the way to make money. That was true even 15 years ago, but it isn't true today.
Internet is life.
You are on the internet right now reading this article.
Walk outside and look at what each person is doing. They are all glued to their smart phones. They are all addicted to someone's content. Why can't it be your content that people are reading/watching/listening to?
You could be working instead of reading, but because you are reading instead of working I am making money and you aren't.

Work a job to survive – do not work a job to thrive.

You take a job if you need money now, you don't take a job to live your life. Life should be free, and thanks to the internet you can be free.
Getting a job today is a stupid idea when there is so much money and freedom to be had just by being yourself. A job limits you to X amount per year. Working for yourself doesn't limit you at all. You can make as much money online as you want.
3) Online is the answer. There’s so much money online
It must be said repeatedly – internet is where the money is. Even if you need to work a job to support yourself until you make internet money. If you ain't online then you ain't making money. How to make money online by being yourself?
There are 4 avenues:
  1. Write a blog
  2. Write books
  3. Make YouTube videos

4) Create content consistently.
You must release consistent content. Consistency is key.
There are no secrets to success.
“Consistency is key” is cliche for a reason – because it works. People have to know you, they have to know what you’re about. Have something to say, of course. Have a message, of course. And then get that message out to your people.
The only way they will ever get to know you is by you consistently creating content and telling them what you're about.
5) Own your name. Own your name. Own your name.
You should be the provider of information about yourself. Your reputation is in your hands and you need to own your websites and social media accounts.
You have to spread your information and content and you have to spread it through your name/brand.


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